About the project

24  November 2016

Dâmboviţa County Council announces that, following the signing of Addendum no. 3 on 30.09.2016, to the Financing Contract no. PA16/RO12-LP14/30.06.2015 for the project “Restoration and Consolidation of the Gabriel Popescu Atelier House, Vulcana-Pandele Commune, Dâmboviţa County”, within Programme PE16 / RO12 Conservation and Revitalisation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage, funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, the implementation period of the project extends with the duration of the additional activities approved by the above mentioned addendum.

The project falls within Component 1 of Programme PE16 / RO12 “Conservation and revitalization of cultural and natural heritage”. The project aims to restore, conserve and protect the historical monument – the Gabriel Popescu Atelier House. The project aims to increase tourism by completing the Project investment and hence to support the development of the local community. After strengthening and restoring the objective of heritage, the increase of tourism and investment activities of the Atelier House Gabriel Popescu is a must, in order to achieve the overall objective of the project “Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage and facilitating public access to the historic monument rehabilitated”.

The following additional activities aim to increase the visibility of the Romanian graphic art, focusing on the art of engraving, revitalization of the traditional craft of engraving and valuing the Romanian engraving art. They also aim at increasing the visitor interests in the singleness of the museum – which is the only engraving atelier house in Romania owning a wooden press:

– organizing an introductory course in the art of engraving with high school / art school pupils or young people who want to learn the classical engraving art techniques;

– collaborating with romanian or foreigner engravers or associations or professional engravers, in order to organize creative workshops at Gabriel Popescu Atelier House.

– making a documentary about Gabriel Popescu`s life and work;

– creating a virtual tour of the museum;

– developing a strategic guide on tourism and scientific exploitation;

The additional activities regard the following target-groups:

– Dambovita county residents, as the category of tourists in the local market;

– tourists / visitors from all other areas of Romania (national market);

– foreign tourists, consumers of cultural products;

– pupils attending schools / colleges of art and other schools.

The total eligible costs of the Project are of 2,516,808.24 lei, plus VAT, of which:

  • 2,516,808.24 lei – non-reimbursable funds
  • 2,139,287.00 lei – EEA Grants
  • 377,521.24 lei – state budget funds

Non-eligible funds: 33,108 lei

Date of Project completion: 30.04.2017. Until now the works were completed and handed over. The museum has opened its doors to visitors and the history monument – restaured, preserved and valued – is now available to the public.

For more information on the Project, please contact the Beneficiary – Dâmbovița County Council (Piața Tricolorului nr. 1, 130060 Târgoviște, Județul Dâmbovița, e-mail: consjdb@cjd.ro , telephone: +40 245 207 600, + 40 245 212 230, websites: www.casaateliergabrielpopescu.ro  and www.cjd.ro ) Contact person: Ms. Mădălina Breazu, Project Manager, e-mail: madalina.breazu@cjd.ro .

Project financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, within Program PA 16 / RO12 Conservation and Revitalisation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage.

For official information about the EEA and Norway Grants, please visit: www.eeagrants.org .


Dâmboviţa County Council implements the project „Restauration and consolidation of the Gabriel Popescu Atelier House, Vulcana-Pandele commune, Dâmboviţa county”, within the Program PA 16/RO12 „Conservation and revitalization of the cultural and natural heritage”, financed by the Financial Mechanism SEE 2009-2014.

The project falls within Component 1 of the Program PA 16 / RO12 Conservation and revitalization of the cultural and natural heritahe, aiming to to restore, to preserve and to protect the historical monument Gabriel Popescu Atelier House and the intended effect is to increase the tourism attractiveness by completing the proposed investments with this project, as well as, by developing the local community.

The main point of the project is to protect, to preserve and to show up or to promote the cultural heritage, as well as, to facilitate the public access to the restored historical monument.

The specific objectives are: conservation, protection and enhancement of the atelier house and of the native house of the Romanian engraver artist Gabriel Popescu, as integral part of the architectural and cultural heritage of Dâmboviţa county; the possible reintroduction of the rehabilitated heritage objective in the national and international circuit of museums; establishment of some tourist routes of the heritage buildings in Dâmboviţa county, focusing on the architectural style and on the increase of the tourists number in Dâmboviţa county and in the South-Muntenia region, by restoring the building-historical monument.

The total amount of the project eligible costs is 2.235.222,69 lei, including VAT, from which:

  • 202.114,60 lei – grant amount
  • 871.797,48 lei (EEA Grants)
  • 317,21 lei (funds from the state budget)
  • Ineligible value: 33.108 lei

Project duration: 10 months

Deadline: 30.09.2016

For further details about the project, please contact the beneficiary, Dâmboviţa County Council, Piaţa Tricolorului no. 1, Târgovişte, Dâmboviţa county, e-mail: consjdb@cjd.ro, phone: +40 245 207600; + 40 245 212230, website: www.cjd.ro.

Contact: Mădălina Breazu, Project Manager, e-mail: madalina.breazu@cjd.ro